Mothers in Science: A panel on motherhood and science careers

By Beyond the PhD (other events)

Thursday, May 23 2024 2:00 PM 3:30 PM EDT

Beyond the PhD is excited to partner with Dr. Chadene Tremaglio, Assistant Professor of Biology at the University of Saint Joseph to host a panel on motherhood and science careers.

From Dr. Tremaglio:

“At the start of graduate school, I couldn't begin to imagine trying to juggle my studies with being a mother. So when I found myself pregnant just 4 years in, I was desperate for scientist-mother mentors who could help me navigate my new reality. Fortunately, I didn't have to look far; my PI had had her first baby two years earlier, and a fellow graduate student in the lab was pregnant with her second. I was immersed in a supportive environment full of advice on how to get my PCRs to work *and* my teething 6-month-old to sleep at night! I was lucky, but not every graduate student, postdoc, or working scientist has this kind of support system. That’s why I've assembled a panel of brilliant scientist-mothers to share their stories. The incredible women you will hear from at this event became mothers at every different stage of their careers, from grad school, to postdoc, to faculty and scientist positions. They’ve been through the challenges of negotiating leave, affording daycare, scheduling pump sessions during their workday, and rearranging their schedules to stay home with sick kids, all while achieving success in their fields. The advice they have to share promises to be both eye opening and uplifting. We hope you will join us for this event!”